Vespucci Property Editor#
The property editor screen is the central place for changing object attributes and relation memberships. To exit and save your changes tap the check mark icon in the upper left hand corner, pressing the device back button will give you the option of exiting without saving. Tags with empty value fields will not be saved.
Many of the fields use context sensitive auto complete provided by the active presets and previously used tags. Clicking twice (with a short pause) will re-display the auto complete menu.
Depending on size and orientation of your device the layout will change to make maximum use of the space available.
- small devices: tab layout with Presets, Properties (including the recently used presets), Details and Relations tabs. If the selected object is a relation a further Members tab will be available.
- large devices in portrait orientation: multi pane layout with a pane for the tabs, one for the Recently Used Presets and for the Presets screen
If the property editor is started with multiple elements selected only the Details and Presets tabs will be available. Tabs can be changed by swiping or by tapping the header.
If the Display tag form preference in the Advanced preferences has been disabled pre-0.9.8 behaviour is enabled and the Details tab will have the heading Properties.
In the tabs tapping the checkbox in the header row will select/de-select all elements.
Properties Tab#
This tab gives a simplified, preset-driven, editing screen for the tags for the selected object. Instead of displaying the raw keys, they are represented by their description, which, if available will be translated. To remove individual attributes you can simply remove or reset the value (or delete them in the Details tab).
Fields are added by applying presets, either via the Preset tab or via the Apply best preset or
Apply best preset with optional tags buttons. The later will add fields for any optional tags that are present in the preset.
If alternative tagging is available for the main object, the alternative presets will be displayed before those in the most recently used list. Long pressing on an item in the MRU preset view will display a menu allowing to
- Set Apply with last values, after setting this, further use of the preset will use the most recently used tag values as defaults. If this is not set (default) the use of the last value is determined by the use_last_as_default attribute in the preset.
- Set Apply with optional tags, after setting this, optional tags will be added when you apply the preset to an object, the same behaviour as pressing the
, but this will work when auto-applying the best matching preset on startup of the property editor too.
- Remove remove the item from the MRU preset view. Note that the above settings are persistent and will remain in force even if the preset item is removed.
The Add language variants menu item will add local language variants of the name and similar keys to the form if configured for the region (see the GeoContext repository).
Further behaviour and menu items are similar or the same as for the Details tab.
Details Tab#
Display of the key - value attributes of the edited object.
The following operations can be performed on selected tags
- Delete - delete the tag(s) from the current object
- Copy - copy the tag(s) to the internal tag clipboard.
- Cut - same as copy, but delete the tag(s) from this object.
- Copy (system) - copy the tag(s) to the system clipboard in a text representation.
- Create custom preset - select the tags you want to include, then select "Create custom preset" from the menu and enter a name when you are prompted. The new preset can then be found in the "Auto-preset" group and will be added to the MRU list once applied. The function does not include the values for tags that have name semantics, and will set the current value for combo and multi-select fields as the default value.
Special auto complete behaviour#
If the key of a field is "addr:street" a list of the nearest roads in the downloaded data will be provided.
If the key is "name", selection of a value from the auto complete list will add corresponding tags and if enabled in the settings, apply an appropriate preset. Typical use case: add a name key and start typing "mcd", select "McDonalds's" from the auto completion list and an amenity with the correct tags and name spelling will be added.
If multiple objects with different values for the same tags are being edited, such value fields will display 'Multiple values' and the auto-complete list will contain the existing values with a count. Setting the value to a specific value will set it for all objects, an empty value will leave the values untouched.
Add address tags#
Add address tags for the object. This function will try to predict the house number to suggest. It works best along straight roads with regular numbering schemes.
Apply best preset#
Apply the best matching preset to the existing tags.
Apply best preset with optional tags#
Will locate the best matching preset to the existing tags and apply the preset adding further suggested / optional fields.
Paste and merge the tags from the internal clipboard.
Tapping the icon once will reset the tags to the values as they were when the property editor was started.
Paste from clipboard#
Paste and merge multi-line text from the system clipboard. If the lines have the form key=value the lines will be split at the = and pasted in to key and values fields, otherwise the complete lines will be copied to the value field. This function can be used for example with OCR apps.
Short cut for adding a source key, if a key is present in the current row source:key=survey will be added, otherwise source=survey to the object. Such tags are in general deprecated the normal place to add source tags is in the corresponding field on the upload form. The action is only available on the Details tab.
Map Features Wiki#
Invoke a web browser on the map features page in the OpenStreetMap wiki. (requires network connectivity)
Show a screen with some detailed information on the selected object.
Reset address prediction#
Empty the current address cache and re-seed from downloaded OpenStreetMap data.
Reset Presets#
Reset the most recently used preset list and remove short cuts from the tag editor screen.
Start the on device help browser.
Relations Tab#
Display of the relations the edited object is a member of and the role in the relation.
The following operation can be performed on selected relations.
- Delete - remove the edited object from this relation.
Tapping the icon once will reset the relations to the values as they were when the property editor was started.
Add to relation#
Add the current object to a existing relation in the download.
Start the on device help browser.
Members Tab#
This tab will only be displayed if you are editing a relation, it displays entries for all the members of the relation.
Members with a dark object field and only a numeric id displayed have not been downloaded, member highlighted in blue can be clicked on and a new property editor will be opened for the element. Note: during such a drill down operation the property editors are stacked, if you close a stacked property editor you will be returned to the previous one and so on.
Individual member entries can be moved by drag and drop (long press followed by dragging).
The following operation can be performed on selected relation members.
- Delete - remove the object from this (the edited) relation.
- Move up - move the member up one position.
- Move down - move the member down one position.
- Sort - sort ways so that they are connected, nodes and relations retain the order that they have and are placed above the ways.
- Reverse order - reverse the order of the selected members.
- Move to top - move the member to the top of the list.
- Move to bottom - move the member to the bottom of the list.
- Download - download the selected members. if all members are selected the members will be downloaded including ways that are parents of nodes that are a relation member, otherwise the individual members are downloaded and for nodes the parent ways are not downloaded.
Tapping the icon once will reset the members to the values as they were when the property editor was started.
Scroll to Top#
Scroll the screen to the top.
Scroll to Bottom#
Scroll the screen to the bottom.
Start the on device help browser.
Preset tab#
Find, select and apply a preset. Groups of presets have a light background, presets a dark one. The on device presets can be searched for terms, if enabled and network connectivity is available you can try and construct additional presets by querying the Taginfo service, when the results from the internal search are displayed.
Presets in the "Auto-presets" group, that is such generated from taginfo or custom presets, can be removed from the configuration by long-pressing the respective icon.
Go to the top of the preset hierarchy.
Go up one level.
Start the on device help browser.
Split window mode#
On devices running Android 7 and later you can enable an experimental split window mode in the Experimental section of the preferences. When this is enabled and the screen is split (on Android 12 and later this will happen automatically), the property editor will be displayed in parallel with the map display. If you click on a relation member in the Member Tab the element will be selected and the map display will zoom to it. While this will work both on phones and tablets, the usefulness on the former is limited.
Changes to the data made in the map display will be reflected as far as possible in the property editor, for example changes if relation membership, deletions and so on, note however that currently later changes will override changes made in earlier property editor instances.